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Ringnæbbet Måge (Larus delawarensis) Ring-billed Gull -
Sjældenhed: SU
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Beskrivelse: This bird was originally found in Rickelsbüller Koog, Germany, but it soon crossed the border and became the first record for Denmark. It stayed in the area for a month and was a huge attraction for Danish and German birders, since it kept crossing the border between Margrethe Kog and Rickelsbüller Koog. It was seen feeding on bread and on sausages as well. Both things were often used as bait to attract the bird to the "right" country. It was the 6th record for Germany.

Uploadet 2002-06-27 Publiceret 2002-06-27 Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull

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