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Forget the idea of threesomes I can just be a voyeur! Today was wet and windy and this is the sort of mid summer weather I look forward to. I checked the tide tables and with low tide at 4pm decided to give Fru G some more of my love. She can just be how she likes, I don’t care… Low tide at the moment is clearly a lot higher than it was earlier in the month because there was very little mud and surprise, surprise very few waders. One Redshank was the only migrant😂. My twitter feed is full of pictures and videos from the north Norfolk coast in GB showing many thousands of waders currently. Many of these have surely flown over Norway but why don’t they stop in Oslo?? I left Gressholmen feeling very dejected and considering how I could keep this up but then found there are other ways to get your birding rocks off. If a muddy bay doesn’t attract waders then maybe a rock can? Galteskjær is responsible for my only Oslo sightings of Little Stint and Turnstone so is actually more productive in that respect than Gressholmen which is only responsible for one species - Broad-billed Sandpiper. The other advantage with Galteskjær is that she can (must) be viewed fleetingly from afar and with a lack of physical contact she hopefully offers the chance of a healthier and less dependent relationship. As the ferry approached I saw a wader but it was nothing more exciting than a Common Sandpiper. As we sped past I saw two more – a Dunlin and a TURNSTONE!! Only my second in Oslo and of course a new species for #oslo2024. Currently my 189th species (before accounting for the redpoll lumping) and this is all all I need to continue going out on the ferry. It is a fools game though - I have now had 7 visits to Gressholmen (and Galteskjær) this July and only 3 new species to #oslo2024 to show for it. Dunlin (myrsnipe) and Turnstone (steinvender) on Galtesjkjær as the ferry speeds by and two Common Sandpipers (strandsnipe) an eveing Beast walking trip in sunshine to Fornebu yesterday gave great views of a Swallowtail

Art and science are two great human endeavors driven by parallel forces: our persistent curiosity and our vivid imagination. Both have long found a home at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.


Når vi ringmærker fuglene bestemmer vi også deres alder en den såkaldte fedtscore. Fedtscoren bestemmes, som det er vist på billedet nedenfor, ved at fuglen pustes på maven hvorved fjerene spedes,...

Food supplementation prolongs the nestling period in Pied Flycatchers The post Time to fly the nest? appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.

Hello everyone! Today was a beautiful day for ringing birds. This was my first-time ringing. Rosa, Asia, Lucas, and I got up early to set up the nets for ringing. We set our nets open at 4:40 in the morning...

Ved afslutningen af en ringmærkningssæson på Stigsnæs Fuglestation i min pure ungdom i starten af firserne konstaterede min daværende lærermester i ringmærkning, Ebbe A. Hansen, at vi på hele efterårssæsonen...

The NW and W winds have kicked in on the last two days. The result: only a few Oystercatchers and less than 400 waders in total. I'm taking advantage of the poor migration to make some progress on the...

Working in wildlife conservation requires passion and humility. Karina Ornelas gained these qualities as a student leader at San Diego City College, where she studied biology and served as president...

24. jul. 2024 kl. 16:07
I had decided to keep things cool with Fru G and maybe see if she was more interested in forming a relationship with someone else that I could perhaps turn into a threesome (i.e let someone else do the hard work and I could jump on at the end when something good was found). Well, my coolness didn’t last long when the International Ornithological Conference (IOC) published its latest update to the birds of the world. They announced that Redpolls would now be lumped into one species which would mean that I would lose two species from #Oslo2024 as Arctic and Lesser Redpoll would cease to be species but rather sub-species. I don’t know how quickly this will be adopted by eBird but I expect it will happen before year end. I am therefore now on 186 species and 200 becomes a more distant dream. A singing Savi’s Warbler was reported from Østensjøvannet yesterday and although it seemed a most improbable record I decided to be in it and headed straight down. A grasshopper (the insect) was all I could hear. When I awoke this morning to hear heavy rain I suddenly found myself in it again and was on my way to Gressholmen faster than a Hobby hunting a Swift. It was mid way between high and low tide but there was not much mud showing and not a single migrant wader. Luckily at mid-day there are 4 boats an hour so I could leave quickly and not let Fru G see how much she is hurting me. this is what rejection looks like - a waderless tidal bay

Hello everyone! In the early hours of the morning, the volunteers were hard at work checking the nets for Stormsvale (Storm Petrels) and Natravn (Nightjars). As usual, there was a good turnout of interested...

I dag fangede vi en meget ung Karmindompap. At fuglen er helt ung kan blandt ande andet ses på at rester af de gule mundvige stadig er synlige, som det ses på billedet neden for. Ung Karminindompaphvor...

These attractive binoculars feature a sharp image with an odd sepia cast and very limited close focus. We rated them in the Middle Ground.

Premium glass and a clever asymmetric design make these binoculars a near-perfect combination of brilliant, tiny, and comfortable to use. We rate them a Top Pick.

Lightweight, low-priced binoculars with an acceptable image, best suited to viewing at close ranges. We rate these in the Middle Ground.

Offering a good image and a comfortable feel at a lower price point, these binoculars are a Solid Choice.

Very bright, sharp image and great ergonomics create great performance at a low price. This is one of our Top Picks

Attractive binoculars with a great feel in the hand and a very sharp, bright image. We rate them a Top Pick.

Good image at medium to close range and nice ergonomic touches make these inexpensive binoculars a Solid Choice

A bright, sharp image and comfortable to hold, though not as tiny as some pocket binoculars. We rated these a Solid Choice.

These lightweight 10-power binoculars bring good detail but have a narrow field of view. We rated them a Solid Choice.

Tiny, beautifully constructed binoculars with premium optics—we rated these one of our Top Picks.

Haleakalā volcano towers above the island of Maui, a slumbering threat and a stunning refuge for Hawai’i’s fragile wildlife. Its rough-hewn and moonlike crater is home to endemic silversword...

In early June, Audubon Rockies partnered with Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass Village, Colorado, to offer “Wildlife Wonder,” a workshop for 6- to 8-year-olds. This workshop focused on...
