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Murløber (Tichodroma muraria) Wallcreeper muraria -
Sjældenhed: Almindelig
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Beskrivelse: After one hour near the entrance to the second tunnel in the Hecho Valley, things did not look very well for seeing the enigmatic Wallcreeper. ABK, Kenneth Bach Christensen, and Kent Olsen were eating tuna sandwiches when we suddenly heard a scream from Kim Aaen. We all knew what that meant and we threw everything we had in our hands including the sandwiches and ran over to Kim Aaen who pointed on the cliff on the other side of the narrow stream that runs through the valley. And there it was flittering among the rocks - the enigmatic Wallcreeper. One hour later Kent Olsen located the Wallcreeper nest just below the road and we enjoyed excellent views of the Wallcreeper pair feeding a juvenile in the nest.

Uploadet 2001-08-30 Publiceret 2001-08-30 Tichodroma muraria muraria Wallcreeper

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