World Bird List

Species factsheet
Common Bush Tanager (Chlorospingus flavopectus)

Order: Chlorospingus flavopectus
Family: New World Sparrows (Passerellidae)

Voices can be found here (external link)
Subspecies and Distribution
Subspecie Distribution
postocularis s Chiapas (s Mexico) and w Guatemala
wetmorei e Veracruz (e Mexico)
albifrons Guerrero and Oaxaca (sw Mexico)
ophthalmicus se San Luis Potosí and w Veracruz to ne Oaxaca (e Mexico)
dwighti n Chiapas (s Mexico), e Guatemala and sw Belize
honduratius El Salvador and Honduras
regionalis Nicaragua, ne Costa Rica and w Panama
punctulatus c Panama
jacqueti n Colombia and Andes east slope from Lara to Táchira (w Venezuela)
falconensis n Venezuela
venezuelanus Andes west slope from Lara to Táchira (w Venezuela)
ponsi e Perijá Mts. (nw Venezuela)
eminens east slope of e Andes (nc Colombia)
trudis west slope of e Andes in Santander (nc Colombia)
exitelus northern c Andes (nc Colombia)
flavopectus west slope of the e Andes from s Santander to Bogota (c Colombia)
macarenae Meta (c Colombia)
olsoni east slope of e Andes (c Colombia)
nigriceps sc Andes of Colombia
phaeocephalus Ecuador
cinereocephalus c Peru
hiaticolus n Peru
peruvianus s Peru
bolivianus w Bolivia
fulvigularis c Bolivia
argentinus sc Bolivia to nw Argentina