World Bird List

Species factsheet
Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)

Order: Motacilla flava
Family: Wagtails, Pipits (Motacillidae)

Danske navn: Gul Vipstjert

Voices can be found here (external link)
Subspecies and Distribution
Subspecie Distribution
flavissima Britain and coastal Europe
lutea sw Russia to nw and nc Kazakhstan
flava n and c Europe to the Ural Mts.
beema sw Siberia and ne Kazakhstan to w Himalayas
iberiae Iberian Pen., sw France and nw Africa
cinereocapilla Italy, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Slovenia
pygmaea Egypt
leucocephala nw Mongolia, nw China and sc Siberia
feldegg the Balkans and Turkey to Iran and Afghanistan
thunbergi n Europe to nw Siberia