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Before it won a GRAMMY for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package, For The Birds: The Birdsong Project was a seed of an idea from co-creators Randall Poster and Rebecca Reagan. It was their...

From forested headwaters to urban cityscapes, the Delaware River Watershed is home to millions of birds and people. The watershed supports more than 400 species of migratory birds and provides...

Søndag den 28. april starter første periode i årets CES. Foreningen håber at alle fra sidste år - og meget gerne flere - er med på sommerens ringmærkning....

Midt i marts 2024 iværksatte Statens Serum Institut i samarbejde med Dansk Ornitologisk Forening en hurtig testundersøgelse af udbredelse af ornitose - også kaldet...

I maj måned ankommer de sidste sangere - deriblandt kærsangeren. Læs om månedens fugl her Foto: Bjarne Nielsen...

En bølge af varme fra syd sendte for få uger siden ørkensand fra Sahara langt mod nord i Europa. Varmebølgen gav flere trækfugle medvind fra deres vinterkvarterer i Afrika. DOF BirdLifes spontantællinger af fugle viser, at flere insektædende arter dette forår er tidligt på færde i vores natur.

Tre grønne organisationer kræver handling, efter Europa-Parlamentet i går stemte for en straksafvikling af de 4 % udyrkede arealer, der ellers skulle have skabt hårdt tiltrængte åndehuller for de vilde dyr i det danske landbrugsland.

This morning, Simon jr. went to the Radar, while Magnus was observing at North Beach and Hayley, Isis and I went to Kabeltromle for ringing. The ringing was slow though, we had hoped for some more birds...

Vi stod op til endnu en kølig april morgen med temperatur på 2 grader. Samtidig kunne vi se en regnfront langsomt nærme sig fra syd. Derfor valgte vi kun at åbne net i stationshaven, så vi hurtigt...

Heldigvis kunne alle net sættes op da regnen de lovede først ville komme omkring standardtidens afslutning. Kenneth var med fra start da han skal lære at ringmærke igen efter nogle års pause og han...

(April 25, 2024) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a final rule to limit pollution from coal and new natural gas-fired power plants, which will help slow...

Cold northerly winds both here and, I believe, further south in Europe mean that migration has nearly dried up and until today this week has been slow going. I have, however, added 5 species to my Oslo year list and with three from today being ones I would classify as not guaranteed. Best of all though Maridalen has recorded a new species thanks to Halvard’s keen eyes and I of course duly twitched it although it took a bit of finding. Water levels are also falling such that we may have a decent wader passage in Maridalen (everything is relative…) and also at Svellet (up there amongst the best in Europe) so the next couple of weeks look to be promising. So the new Maridalen new species was Little Grebe (Maridalen’s 225 species and my 206th there). Although a relatively common species I had not seen this coming as I never thought Maridalsvannet suitable for the species. Birds can of course turn up on migration but it was a real surprise that it has spent two days – it is clearly finding food but hugs the shoreline and hides behind stones instead of disappearing into thick vegetation which it would do elsewhere. Other common birds missing from the Maridalen list are Moorhen and Pochard and we need to be looking out for these now. The Oslo year birds have been Willow Warbler #139, Common Sandpiper #140, Whimbrel #141, Little Ringed Plover #142 and Slavonian Grebe #143. The Slav Grebes were particularly pleasing to see and today was clearly the day that species was on the move as there were a number of other records around Oslo. Of the little migration that has materialised then ducks have been the most obvious with the first Common Scoter, Wigeon and Red-breasted Merganser appearing on the lake. My eBird checklist from Maridalen today is here. The Mute Swan pair is nesting on an island in Maridalsvannet but have as in previous years attracted the attention of the Whooper Swans who spend there time beating up the Whoopers. The male Mute tries to stand up to the male Whooper but doesn’t seem to have a chance and I fear that the Mute Swans will fail but also that the Whoopers will not breed as they will spend all their time fighting the Mutes. Close to the house a pair of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers have enlivened morning dog walks with drumming and “singing” and hopefully they will stay to breed although based on previous experiences they will move on. I also took far too much video which I have yet to go through. If there is anything that evades the trash can then I will publish it later. adult Little Grebe (dvergdykker) - not often I see them in this plumage in Norway not often I see them in flight either and have never noticed this "speculum" before Slavonian Grebes (horndykker) in breeding plumage are surely one of the best birds we have here there was some display dwarfed by a Whooper Swan (sangsvane) part of a flock of 10 Curlew (storspove) that briefly landed on their way north the swan drama. Here the male Mute Swan is getting a beating from the male Whooper who then chased him around the island and then up onto it my first Common Sandpiper (strandsnipe) of the year in Oslo and a male Common Scoter (svartand) - I have never appreciated their impressive tail before male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker this young male Marsh Harrier (sivhauk) headed north today and had me hoping for a good raptor day. But of course it didn't happen 2 males Adders (hoggorm)

WASHINGTON (April 25, 2024) – President Biden yesterday signed a bipartisan bill reauthorizing and enhancing a program that provides funding throughout the Americas for partnerships to benefit...

Conventional wisdom holds that traveling and breeding are two separate phases of a migratory bird’s annual cycle. After all, flying hundreds or even thousands of miles burns an awful lot of...

The rain delayed the start of ringing this morning but it turned out to be well worth the wait for Isis, Hanalie and Magnus. They caught many many more birds than the last few days! Their highlight was...

We have had quite the full house at the station this past month, but for the time being it looks like Morten and I will be by ourselves again. Lisa and James started their journey back to England this...

Så er jeg tilbage dog nogle dage forsinket(skulle have startet i mandags), men pga sygdom måtte jeg vente nogle få dage. Jeg ankom i kæmpe haglvejr, men om eftermiddagen kom solen frem og det blev...

Do you want to learn about the birds in Hawaii? This can be an immense challenge because of the sheer number of species. Did you know over 200 species have been recorded here? As you can imagine, there was no way to include this many birds in the article below. Instead, I focused on the... The post 30 MOST Common Birds Found in Hawaii! (2024) appeared first on Bird Watching HQ.

What kinds of water birds can you find in Hawaii? Due to its proximity to the ocean, you are almost certain to see some type of bird near the water. From ducks to herons to gulls, you will learn the most common water birds you might see in Hawaii below. In addition to the common... The post 21 Types of Water Birds that live in Hawaii (2024) appeared first on Bird Watching HQ.

Af Henrik Kalckar Vi mødes på P-pladsen, som har adressen Langagervej 1, 5220 Odense SØ kl. 8. Der fra går vi en tur rundt i området, hvor man kan forvente...

Denne dag afholdes den årlige dyst ”Tårnenes Dag” for 18. gang i Danmark. Dysten går ud på at man stiller et hold, som fra et fugletårn, eller en given...

It’s hard to stay relevant in the music industry. But one vocalist has done it for decades—crossing genres, keeping up with trends, and collaborating with some of the biggest hitmakers in the...

Etter en ekstrarunde kan vi kåre Jørn Roger Gustad som sammenlagtvinner av Fotonøtta i 2023. Vi gratulerer! Det nye fugleåret er alt godt i gang, og trekkfuglene kommer tilbake til Norge som perler på en snor. Vi håper og tror at året vil bringe med seg mange flotte fugleopplevelser. Lykke til med årets første utgave av Fotonøtta!

Hello everybody! This morning started out as usual, with a slightly different arrangement. Simon (Jr) and I opened the nets at Kabeltromlen and were joined by Simon (Sr) and Hanelie shortly after, while...

If yesterday was Blåvand?s big day, then we were rudely brought back to normalcy today. Persistent cold weather means the bird pipes are still blocked and numbers of birds both ringed and observed over...
