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African Pipit (Anthus cinnamomeus) cinnamomeus -
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Titel: Adult

Beskrivelse: A few times I have seen birders visiting Ethiopia, identify birds like this one as Tawny Pipit (because of dark lores). However I'm sure these birds are African Pipits of the dark race Cinnamomeus. They are present at Solulta Plains all year and I have never seen large Pipits with unstreaked breast at this locality! African Pipit should have pale lores, but very often lores appear dark or even black from all angles, even much more obviously than on this picture. African Pipit was formerly considered a race of Richard's Pipit and they are indeed quite similar. So identifying African (especially the paler races) and Tawny Pipit could to some extend be compared with separating Tawny Pipit from Richard's pipit.

Uploadet 2012-07-18 Publiceret 2012-07-18 Anthus cinnamomeus cinnamomeus African Pipit

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