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A spunky group of raptors deserve a public relations makeover The post Caracaras: Why the bad rep? appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.

16. jun. 2024 kl. 16:20
Af Jette Gandrup. Igen i år deltog DOF Fyns formidlingsgruppe på Odense Dyrskue i samarbejde med FGU - dyre og - naturlige fra Elsesminde. Stor tak til de unge,...

16. jun. 2024 kl. 13:39
In my last post I wrote that I felt I must have found the Hobby nest – well today I am less sure. Per Christian and I joined forces to try to locate it once and for all but left just as confused as before. We located four different old Hooded Crows nests in a very small area without seeing any bird on any of the nests. Then we heard the male calling and he appeared overhead with prey in his talons. The female then called and flew out of the trees towards him. There was lots of calling but we couldn’t exactly what happened but there was clearly a food pass. The male then sat openly calling whilst the female must have been more hidden whilst presumably eating the prey item brought to her. The male kept calling and flew around a bit before the female then flew out of a tree and calling and disappeared amongst the trees. During all this time we had been keeping an eye on the old crows nests but did not see the female coming or going to any of them. So, either we are not observant enough or else there is a 5th nest that we have yet to find. this is the old Hooded Crows nest that I felt certain was being used by the Hobbies but I am now less certain here, what I think is the male, was perched in the next door tree A check of the Honey Buzzard nest from last year revealed fresh green branches on it although in nearly 4 hours of watching the nest and skies about I failed to see a bird. So here I have found the nest but not seen the birds…. I do not know whether adding of new material of nest means that there has to be a pair of if just a single adult will add material whilst waiting for their mate to return but this does give high hopes for yet another chance to follow a breeding pair. a branch with fresh green leaves can be seen on the right hand side of the nest. It is possible that a bird could have been on the nest unseen to me but I think observed the nest long enough that I would have seen some movement Even though I failed to see any Honey Buzzards I did have good views of a female Three-toed Woodpecker whilst waiting. female Three-toed Woodpecker here it has got hold of a larve and here it is swallowing it The Great Northern Divers remains and has now been frequenting the northern end of the lake in the last few days. the Great Northern Diver (islom) is always close to the shore There are now two Common Rosefinches in Maridalen, both brown, 2cy males and both seemingly unpaired. 2cy male Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) The Lapwings are now disappearing in the high vegetation and yesterday I saw none but today the male of the family was clearly keeping guard so I assume there are still some young although I have no idea whether there is still a bird sitting on a nest. A new Marsh Warbler reminded me that “night singers” can still turn up but I really don’t think I am motivated for any more nocturnal trips.

Finally, the standardized counting period is over, but Magnus was keen enough to go out for an additional count. There was not much migration ? this proofes, why it makes sense to end the standardized...

Igen i dag var det meget stille i fangsten med mange tomme runder. Men 3 nye fugle blev det da til og en enkelt aflæsning. Dagens bedste fugl blev en fin rødrygget tornskade. Tornskader er kendt blandt...

The ringing: A quiet day in the ringing again. Today and for the next week, we will have Sine with us in the morning, it is her first time in the ringing and she is eager to learn. Today unfortunately...

Today was probably the earliest start we would ever have to endure, as the sunrise has finally reached its earliest for the summer (04:16). And since we had to go to the CES site at Skarvsøen, that meant...

Ændringer i antallet af fugle ved Gedser 2007-23 er sammenlignet med ændringer i Sverige og Danmark og sammenholdt med fødevalg og klimabetingede ændringer af yngleudbredelsesområderne. Det har givet nogle spændende og lidt rystende resultater.

My negativity towards nocturnal outings didn’t even last a day and Wednesday night saw me out for more pain. It all started when a Great Reed Warbler turned up in a «what is this?» posting on Facebook. It was not in Oslo although it was close to Oslo Airport and normally I would not have gone for it. However, as it happened Mrs OB was landing there in the evening and Jr wanted to surprise her by picking her up and getting some driving practice in. So a little «5 minute» detour on the way home was in order? The bird could be heard from the car park and when I walked the 100m to where it was the song was so loud and so constant that I seriously considered the whole thing was a wind up and someone had placed a loud speaker in the reeds! This thought was only strengthened when I was able to walk to what must have been only 5 metres from the bird and it just carried on singing and remained invisible! Eventually though it did clearly change position and then finally flew into a bush where it could just about be seen. It is a while since I have heard a GRW (this is my third in Norway) and I had forgotten just how loud their song is. In the video you first hear the song and then get a glimpse of the bird Great Reed Warbler (trostesanger) - a screen shot from the video Buoyed by this I then decided to do just one more Oslo night singer trip. Maridalen had nothing new to offer but in Sørkedalen the Blyth’s Reed, Oslo #186, that had been quiet in the afternoon was now singing his heart out in the garden of a farm at midnight. Add to that multiple Marsh Warblers and a Reed Warbler and I had a four acro night. I do think this will be my last trip though unless of course someone else finds something for me to twitch. the Reed Warbler (rørsanger) that is singing in the video above. As can be heard teh bird had a very varied song and I also do not think it looks completely right for a Reed. Could it have some Marsh genes? In Maridalen I feel I must have found the Hobby nest although am still to see a bird on it (this was also the case for a long time last year). Hobby (lerkefalk) presumably the male I could only find two Lapwing young with their parents yesterday and saw no other birds although the crop has become so high that the incubating bird would be hidden if it still present. mum Lapwing (vipe) on the left and what seem to be now the only two remaining young which as can be seen are soon fully grown and were both frequently flapping their wings

In April 2023, along with the spring’s earliest-migrating birds, an unusual field guide arrived on the scene: laser-focused on just 18 species, containing no photographs, and written by a...

**Este artículo se puede encontrar en español** The Colorado River and its tributaries—which support 40 million people, sacred Tribal lands, a $1.4 trillion economy, more than five million...

14. jun. 2024 kl. 00:00
Today turned out to be a great Fulmar day. I woke up at 03.25, ready for having a sleep in. But since I was the one in charge of counting, I had to grab the bull by its horns and make it out of bed. Since...

Syd- og Sønderjyllands Politi har påbudt NorSea på Esbjerg Havn at vente med firmaets tagrenovering, indtil mågeungerne på taget er flyvefærdige.

14. jun. 2024 kl. 00:00
Today turned out to be a great Fulmar day. I woke up at 03.25, ready for having a sleep in. But since I was the one in charge of counting, I had to grab the bull by its horns and make it out of bed. Since...

The ringing: Vinden havde lagt sig til kun 5 m/s så der var så stille at frøerne ude fra søen på engen kunne høres. Det gav også forventninger om at dagen nok skulle give lidt flere fugle end...

There are approximately 580 species of Ants in North America! Trying to list them all would be impossible. 🙂 Below are the most common and abundant types of ants, which are part of the insect family Formicidae. 28 ANT SPECIES in North America: #1. Black Carpenter Ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus Adults are dull black and have... The post 28 Common ANTS in North America! (2024) appeared first on Bird Watching HQ.

Af Jens Bækkelund Otte deltagere mødte op ved Naturcentret på Gyldensteen Strand kl. 08.00 Efter en kort orientering gik vi gennem skoven og lyttede til de forskellige...

Ectoparasitism in Hispaniolan Woodpeckers is influenced by life-stage and sex The post Sleep tight, don’t let the nest bugs bite appeared first on British Ornithologists' Union.

Styreleder Anne Sørensen i BirdLife Norge overrakte denne uke prisen Årets Fossekall 2024 til Bjørn Olav Tveit. Årets Fossekall er en hederspris som deles ut årlig av BirdLife Norges sentralstyre.

Staten må ta et overordnet ansvar for naturen i Norge, ikke la kommunene undergrave nasjonale miljømål og internasjonale forpliktelser. BirdLife Norge har sendt brev til klima- og miljøminister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen og bedt om hjelp. Kommuner som har bestemt seg for å ødelegge globalt viktig natur, kan ikke få ture frem som de vil lengre.

The ringing: This morning meant mainly cutting branches in the garden. In between, there were four birds in the nets. One of them was new: A Linnet ?Tornirisk?. In the closing round, we heard...

Today was the best day in a long time. My day started early, or actually, yesterday. Around 23:30 I left the station with a thermal viewer, torch and net. I caught a young tree pipit, a partridge and another...

Årets ØrneTV blev ikke til noget, fordi havørnene ved Hyllekrog valgte en rede 70 meter fra WEB-kameraet over rovfuglenes gamle rede. Men levende billeder eller ej, havørneungen skulle naturligvis ringmærkes.

Redwing (Vindrossel). Procedure: -02.30 alarm goes off. -03.00 leave for Kabeltromlen. -03.15 arrive at Kabeltromlen. -03.45 nets at Kabeltromlen: open. -04.54 recapture Redwing (Vindrossel). -05.38...

Redwing (Vindrossel). Procedure: -02.30 alarm goes off. -03.00 leave for Kabeltromlen. -03.15 arrive at Kabeltromlen. -03.45 nets at Kabeltromlen: open. -04.54 recapture Redwing (Vindrossel). -05.38...
